The Foot


We've come a very long distance with MxF. We are MxF at this point. In every way. MentFlexx is a combination of Mental and Flexibility. The extra X is very important to the word. Which will be explained. MxF is action. To do. We have done and will continue to do. Our purpose in life is cloudy in comparison to what we decide to do in life. We maintain a neutral stance on almost everything. What is, just is. What will be will be? There is good, there's bad. hot and cold, yin and yang. Simple, right?
People ask if being barefooted in "The FLEXX" is a fetish. If you'd like. It's deeper than that to MxF. Actually to the user. Feet are opposite of hands. Touch and feel properties. The feet are interesting because of their location and what they come in contact with. No one walks around barefooted. In the house? The feet are the only thing between you and what is under you. To build a solid arsenal of things besides socks, shoes/boots, nylon etc. Is calculated into balance. This arsenal would indeed improve individual balance. Orthopedic apparatuses, liners could help? Could issues or problems stem from above the foot? What is between the foot is very important to how the body settles itself after waking up or physical activity to name a few. Solid is the preferred surface. If the floor is flat and solid the foot will conform depending on what is between the soles along with what is above them. Should be solidly right? Alignment issues anywhere in the body are of interest. What's covering the feet? All suspect. Ever gone to buy shoes and are giving a new sock? Cushiony and plush. Remember touch/feel Socks are compliant they conform but engages a slippery surface feeling. It also offers a pseudo feeling. Who said condom? As the heels of shoes begin to wear to identify if it's from above unless we always walk on surfaces that have a pitch. Decreased R.O.M. range of motion due to age, exercise (walking) or lack thereof. Any or all of these combined with a limited arsenal of touch/feel signals or information stored increases the chance of injury drastically. Let's use 50% from 100% as age increases the % decreases, with an occasional increase depending on activity or movement of joints. Use it or lose it.

This photo shows more to feet that meets the eyes. Also, add to the intrigue.
Also known as dogs, hush puppies. More like mules or camels.
The touch/feel center of information is important to aptitude and attitude x 2.
A rating system of 1-5 is used on the cosmetic portion of this science. Similar to when people take a gander at our mid-sections. You know what is meant. Why do we do this? It's just science. Right
So, not only is it a fetish it's a science. Every part just as incredible as the next.

              For more information: MentFlexX MentFlexX Radio


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