The Sweet Spot


                                      The Sweet Spot

Blogs are hard to keep up with when not too talkative. Without saying a word, picking words out of the thinking stream, typing them in a sensible manner. A discipline? Hats off to those that have achieved the schedule or received payment as an award for the tenacity of having one. Due to this strange writing style sure to be undergone by anyone that writes or types. Usually, on a whim after a message comes to the brain, where it is minded several times, days, or weeks before it goes to print, either paper or typed. Or a crew member sends us some material to discuss. The Sweet Spot is such a message. This is about the other one.

sweet spot
noun informal
  1. 1. the point or area on a bat, club, or racket at which it makes most effective contact with the ball.
    an optimum 2.point or combination of factors or qualities          Google

 A very important one. Not that the other one isn't. We have an After a FlexX video discussing The Sweet Spot. Added link. Warmup. Not that the other Sweet Spot is not important. This one will need some looking into. The video is about the warm-up being the most important component of the work-out. It is without a doubt if you're into taking care of the body and mind. This message came out of nowhere several times. So it had to go to print, it has to come out and be known. Not that you don't know. Just wanting to share. Which is how this blogging thing is going to have to work from over here. Just do it. Well here goes. The Sweet Spot is crucial to any gains attempted during the course of working out or honing the body and brain. Say losing weight or the six-pack are the goals, literally. The warm-up is vital, don't overlook this component. Ever warm up the auto before driving during cold weather? Why is this done? The body is similar, it would be more important for the same purposes. Research the warm-up component if unfamiliar with it. The Sweet Spot can be achieved during this very important channel of health, wellness, and fitness.

Stay with me. As the body warms up and the blood begins to circulate throughout the body and brain, into the vitals etc. The lungs expanding with oxygen. All 5 systems percolating, awakening the being, generating the other systems. Being the point of the warm-up. Getting these systems to react in preparation for work or more work. Timing, yes, to get these 5 systems to respond in time that will perpetuate the arrival of more, or something else. When they combine and work as one throughout the warm-up, the body will cool itself. We begin to perspire or sweat. Depending on the warm-up and the physical state of the participants, will be between lightly or profusely. This, my friend, is the entrance to The Sweet Spot. Now the warm-up should last no longer than 15 minutes. Let's go with 10-15. It has to be acquired and known because everyone is unique. Your warm-up is not like anyone else's. They're different with a probability of synchronicity. In group exercising, there will be 20 different Sweet Spots. 21 including the instructor. They could start and after 8 minutes, there. Janice whom you just met on the treadmill could start at 10 minutes. Know your own. Is it the instructor's responsibility to know when your Sweet Spot begins or ends. Guess whose responsibility this is? All 20 participants. Ready to go before subjecting self to some other way. It never turns out how it's expected, does it?

This is why Personal Trainers and group exercise instructors catch a tough rap. They only know a way, theirs. It is up to the participant to know if this way or that way is the way they should be going in order to achieve or arrive at goals and benefits set for themselves. Yes, prepare before hiring a trainer. They aren't parents. They don't know everything about you, or do they? Who should? Another blog about that. Back to the task at hand. The Sweet Spot is when all the systems are correlated and functioning together in this limited timed component. As the body opens up to cool itself, this is a good sign. Everyone will not perspire or sweat at the same time. Unique, my friend. Unique. As it does, find out why if not. The body should at some point cool itself. When is unique to the participant. It's very important to do so because 1. It's the Sweet Spot 2. It's marking or telling us that everything is functioning accordingly 3. Work, output, something is being done? The point. In this place or just to the other side of it, is where growth, elimination begins, to name a few. The Sweet Spot is where anything attempted, will be closer to achieving. It will stick or stay within for longer periods of time.

Example: ever ate something and got the full sensation. Stuffed, can't eat anymore? One hour or less. Hungry again? Yes, pains and growling of the stomach, everything. Hungry again? What happened? It didn't stick, wasn't retained. Like a boring book, like this blog, Lol. The body used it that quick? What just happened? Felt like a pig, if that's possible, now hungry again. Why? In the Sweet Spot, those push-ups or bench press reps/sets have a sound foundation in order to contain/keep them. Without the warm-up, the body shields itself from almost all of the work attempted to put in for safety purposes. As evident by. Doing a two-component work-out. The next time it feels like starting all over. Chuckle. That's because it is starting over. Nothing was retained by the body. Well, not all of it, lacking efficiency. The warm-up is perfect for a two-component work-out. This place is the green light to proceed to more work with greater efficiency. It hangs on to a higher percentage of what is placed on it longer, with more detail and efficiency. In essence, the warm-up is the path to acceptance. This is the sweet spot. Not in the vulgar sense, more in lieu of productive, beneficial and rewarding. If fifteen minutes is hard to come by. Forget about it. If alf hassed, it could be more hazardous than beneficial. Methodical. Definitely! Being an amazing creation, unknowingly doing things thought to enhance could also be debilitating. From the mind of an antique auto owner, the words "Please don't lean on the car, the matter of fact get away from it." And whatever else you do. "Don't dare put your hands on it."

It is not a rocket, but a science. It's anatomy, biology etc.
Receiving random information for compensation, on how to obtain, contain, and maintain the treasures these glorious works of art contain, is mundane, a thing of the past. It is our responsibility to know before we go. To share for the care and maintenance of self. Anyone can assist with the losing or gaining. Maintaining should be sought.

We don't intend to know everything about health, wellness, and fitness. Or the body and brain. It's why we're here. It's What We Do. Aware some things are common knowledge. Fads come and go, old habits tend to cling, unlike good principles. Faster is better. The elimination of certain components to be able to say we did. Going for the show, the juice that will provide the cosmetic, outside effects. The unawareness provides the opportunity to absorb what's useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own. Learning constantly. Basic principles that provide a safe and beneficial foundation for the entire industries of health, wellness, and fitness to focus on and reapply. It is there. Ain't nothing new. Not our way but, a way for all to consider instead of wasting time and energy. Pushing the simplest goals that can easily be achieved, further into the abyss, showered by smoke and mirrors. Perched upon this TRUTH, headed in that direction. Excuse us.
                                                "Simplicity is the Key to Brilliance." Bruce Lee

For more information: MentFlexX MentFlexX Radio


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